Exemplary projects of our stainless steel reinforcement parking applications
Schrammstrasse underground car park in Schweinfurt: Uncoated ramp

In the course of a corrosion-related repair of the underground car park, the approx. 22 m long ramp was also renewed. The 6.70 m wide ramp was removed using high-pressure water jets. Approximately one ton of Top12 reinforcing steel was selectively installed as an external reinforcement layer in the roadway slab. Initial additional costs caused by Top12 are compensated at an early stage by the maintenance-free nature of the stainless reinforcing steel - minimal life cycle costs are the result.
Object: Underground car park at the Schrammstrasse in Schweinfurt, DE
Application: Ramp
Product: Top12
Implementation: May to November 2017
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Paved parking garage Donauwörth: columns and walls

In the course of a relocation of authorities at the Donauwörth site, a branch office was established for the Munich tax office. For this purpose, an existing part of the building was demolished and then a paved covered parking area with 45 parking spaces was integrated into the new building. In order to dispense with the normally used, maintenance-intensive surface protection system, Top12 was used in the column base and wall base area. Thanks to its chrome content, Top12 has an increased corrosion resistance that is matched to the service life of parts exposed to chloride. As a result, life cycle costs are reduced by up to 60% compared with conventional coatings.
Object: Extension tax office Donauwörth, DE
Application: Columns and walls of the paved parking garage
Product: Top12
Implementation: January 2019
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City hall parking in Bern: Reinforcement of the over-concrete on the floor slabs

In the case of the multi-story car park built in 1966, a mastic asphalt pavement was installed in 1985, but without concrete renovation/chloride removal. The consequences: Bubbles in the pavement, massive corrosion damage to the reinforcement near the surface due to the undercutting of the pavement. The pavement and the contaminated concrete were removed and the new wall panels and the over-concrete on the floor slabs were reinforced with Top12. Due to its chromium content, Top12 has an increased corrosion resistance, which is matched to the service life of chloride-loaded parts. Reinforced concrete with Top12 is resistant to corrosion even in exposed structural elements over a maintenance-free service life of up to 100 years.
Object: City hall parking in Bern, CH
Application: Reinforcement of the over-concrete on the floor slabs
Product: Top12
Implementation: 2006-2007
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